Get All Your Questions about Making Money and Bold Business Decisions Answered – Especially When Money, Taxes and the Law are Involved.

Welcome To Your Boardroom

Join The Boardroom Waitlist

It's time to honor the formalities of your business and have regular guided meetings to solve problems, make decisions, and plan for the next phase of your business, like a real CEO.

Listen, if you’re in business, you’ve undoubtedly asked for advice from one person or another at some point in your business journey.

It’s inevitable.

We all need someone to bounce ideas off of or to ask whether something sounds like a good idea or not.

It’s what we do.

The problem is that many business owners ask for advice from people who have no business giving business advice.

In fact, this happens a lot when it comes to money, taxes and legal issues. A business owner rightfully has questions, but instead of asking a tax expert or a financial planner or a lawyer, they dash off and ask their bestie from high school. Their bestie from high school who is not a business owner, a CPA, a financial planner or a lawyer.

And not surprisingly, they end up getting bad advice. Damaging advice, actually. And it ends up costing their business more in the long run than it would have if they had consulted an expert in the first place.

So why am I telling you all of this? Because it’s time to make better, bolder business decisions that lead to more money and less worry. Ya with me?

Because at the end of the day, don’t you want to go to sleep knowing that you’ve made the best decisions possible for your business?

Join The Boardroom Waitlist

It's time to honor the formalities of your business and have regular guided meetings to solve problems, make decisions, and plan for the next phase of your business, like a real CEO.

Real businesses have Board meetings. You have a real business. If you want a panel of experts to weigh in on things like … 

â—Ź How to access capital for your business.

â—Ź How to solve the issues in your business that are keeping you up all night right now, like today.

â—Ź What legal and operational components you need in place if you want your business to protect your business.

â—Ź What your next 5 steps to grow your business the right way should be, based on your current situation.

... then you’re in the right place.

With over 20% of small businesses failing within their first year of operation and another 50% shutting down five years in, it’s easy to see how challenging entrepreneurship can be.

That’s why having a qualified expert in your back pocket – and on speed dial – is vital to your success, especially when dealing with anything related to taxes, finances or the law.

That said, not every business owner can afford to have a lawyer, CPA or business advisor on retainer.

And I get that.

That’s why I’ve created a low-cost, cancel-anytime solution that gives you my expertise and availability at a fraction of the cost.

That’s right, you get a panel of legal, tax, employment, and financial expertise wrapped into one package that lets you receive critical information for your business without costing you an arm and a leg.


As a member, you’ll receive access to:

Weekly access to a team of professionals who are there to keep you on track.

● A monthly one-hour content-rich call where you’ll be able to get your questions answered LIVE.

â—Ź Actionable information that keeps you moving forward without overwhelming you

â—Ź An easy-to-follow, step-by-step plan that will motivate you to execute immediately

â—Ź Best practices, guidance and support on all things taxes, strategic planning, finances and business law


Sound better than straight-up guessing, Googling or asking your non-business oriented bestie for advice?

Well for only $397 a month, you get all of the above, plus peace of mind that you’re getting the right advice to do right by your business (and your bank account).


About your host

I’m Gena Jones, CPA, Certified Tax Resolution Specialist and business coach. It’s a mouthful, I know. But, because of my unique qualifications, I understand your entrepreneurial journey better than other professionals.

You could say I know a lot about the inner workings of a business, and you’d be right.

When it comes to taxes, finances, planning and the law, I’m the woman you want by your side. Especially if you’re the type of business owner who tends to get overwhelmed or nervous when making big decisions about taxes, finances and legal stuff.

Over the years, I’ve helped hundreds of entrepreneurs increase their profitability, lock in 20- to 40-hour workweeks and pay themselves what they’re worth – all while making payroll AND paying all of their bills.

And now I want to do the same for you.

Will you let me?

Join The Boardroom Waitlist

It's time to honor the formalities of your business and have regular guided meetings to solve problems, make decisions, and plan for the next phase of your business, like a real CEO.



Here’s one last thing I want you to know about The Boardroom …

It’s accessible and low-cost so that I can help more business owners stay in business.

Now, I know that the information and action steps I share and the opportunity to have access to me on a weekly basis is incredibly valuable and worth far more than I’m charging.

However, I also know that business owners who are already uneasy about finances, taxes and legal stuff are more hesitant to invest money in their business AND I want to help them flip the script on this.

Ready to get all the advice, support, accountability, hand-holding and perks you need to get your business, money and peace of mind in order? Everything you’re ready for is waiting for you on the other side of that button. Click it!

Join The Boardroom Waitlist

It's time to honor the formalities of your business and have regular guided meetings to solve problems, make decisions, and plan for the next phase of your business, like a real CEO.